NSSTI Board of Directors

Robert J SalleeBoard Chairman, Board Member, Retired Air Force Colonel USSPACECOM, Retired Aerospace Manager
Zoƫ Buck Bracey, PhDResearch Scientist/Science Educator, BSCS Science Learning
Dimitri Klebe, PhDFounder and Principal, Solmirus Corporation
Neal Lamping, PhDAerospace Executive (Retired)
Robert Mack, JDAttorney and Counselor at Law
Mark MieschSoftware Engineer, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Mateo Munoz, PhDAsst Provost for Budget and Strategic Planning at Colorado College
Annette D. RauschBoard Treasurer, Vice President, Intrado Life & Safety Systems
Steve Ruskin, PhDHistorian of Science
Gianna SullivanBoard Secretary, science communicator, CU Museum of Natural History
Kachun Yu, PhDAstrophysicist & Curator of Space Science, Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Ronald M Sega, PhDEmeritus Chairman of the Board; Professor, VP Energy and the Environment, Colorado State University Research Foundation. Retired USAF Undersecretary, USAF Maj. General, NASA Astronaut
Patrick R ScanlonEmeritus Chairman of the Board; President/COO, Communications Systems International, Inc.